Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunity: Video Creator

1/27/2025 10:24 am

Black and white graphic human laptop and video iconsWe are seeking a volunteer who could create a video presentation of the close to 100 online submissions for viewing on the ATS monitors. Physical submission will be put up on the bulletin boards in the school, but those who submitted online are not otherwise shared apart from the awards assembly!


Please consider volunteering your time so that ALL submissions can be viewed by ATS students, staff and faculty throughout the year.


Contact atsreflections@gmail.com if you are able to support his important task. 

Volunteer Opportunity

1/28/2025 9:18 am

blue background with white snowflakes

4th & 5th Grade Winter Social

Saturday, February 22nd

6P to 8P



Volunteer Opportunity: International Night Coordinator

1/27/2025 9:37 am

globe with flags of the world countriesLooking for a way to get more involved with the PTA?

We're urgently seeking a Lead (or Co-Lead) to help plan this year's International Night, which will be help on Saturday, May 10th


You'll be guided by the amazing Jessica Viator who has led this event previously, along with a team of returning committee members.


International Night is ATS's most impressive cultural diversity event and we can't do it without the support of parent volunteers. Traditionally, planning for this fun and educational family event includes:


  • Recruiting parents as Ambassadors to bring samples of food from their heritage
  • Recruiting local international performers
  • Planning cultural crafts and activities
  • Day-of Coordination

If interested, please reach out to Kristen George.